Social Responsibility

Our aim is to have a lasting, positive impact on the communities among which we work. To this end, we undertake a wide range of programmes to improve communities’ access to education, sanitation and essential infrastructure.
Our project management teams are strongly encouraged to engage with local community interest groups to identify potential development opportunities. These teams work as standalone units with the authority to initiate such programmes, contingent on the approval of the Sustainability Review Committee and senior management. In engaging local communities, infrastructure development and education are the two prime areas of focus. The Sustainability Review Committee plays the lead role in maintaining equity and transparency in all social development projects through a process of continuous review.
We undertake many infrastructure development projects - building roads, bridges, waterworks, schools, hospitals and sporting facilities. All these projects have significant indirect economic impacts. Our pre-feasibility studies for these types of project always consider ways in which the positive economic impact on local communities can be maximised. Dialogue with clients, developers and community representatives help us find the best ways to do so. We also partake in community projects that focus on economic development. We see such initiatives as part of our duty as Sri Lankans who participate in the national development process, and we value this success highly.