Health & Safety

At Maga, we place the foremost priority to protecting the health and safety of our employees, clients, contractors, suppliers and general public who are the end-users of the buildings and infrastructure we create. Our vision has always centered on creating a workplace where zero accidents occur.
In translating this vision into action, our aim is to not only comply with requirements of the relevant legislations and procedures, but to build a work culture and environment where health and safety is imbedded in the DNA - or grassroots level - of the organisation. All our employees receive training in health and safety, whilst our subcontractors and suppliers are made to abide by our safety standards and procedures. In recognition of our efforts, we received the first National Award for Effective Adaption of Safety Measures in Construction by the Institute of Construction Training & Development, Sri Lanka in the year 2007. We recognize that much more work has to be done in this sphere if we are create zero accident environments and improve the safety standards of supply chains, and we are committed to this end.
Our health and safety procedures follow international best practices and are governed by OHSAS18001 Occupational Health and Safety standards. Project or activity-related health and safety hazards and risks are constantly identified and incorporated in to standard operating procedure. Employees are made aware of unsafe acts and the corresponding precautions to be taken. Emergency preparedness and response plans are filed for every project site and activity centre with each possessing designated first-aid and fire-fighting teams. Implementation of safety measures is systematic and stringent. Effectiveness of action taken is measured by internal audits, while follow-up audits ensure that the recommended improvements have been put in place.
Our Health & Safety Policy is centered on the following:
- Protecting the health & safety of all people, including the general public, impacted by the operations of the project or are end-users of the facilities we construct
- Operating in a manner of deep concern for health & safety of all stakeholders
- Ensuring that all construction-planning takes in to account the associated health & safety of all stakeholders
- Providing and maintaining a safe work environment, comprising of plants, machinery and locations, without risks to health
- Complying with all relevant legal, statutory and contractual health & safety requirements
- Providing all personnel with adequate information, instruction and training with the view of creating a trained, experience and competent management and supervision team
- Effectively controlling, co-coordinating and monitoring the activities of direct & indirect employees and sub-contractors with respect to health & safety
- Establishing effective communication and joint consultation on health & safety matters with all relevant parties involved in the project work
Continually improving the health & safety of all personnel concerned