
From inception, the ethos of sustainable development has resided within our mission and core values. We have always believed that our long-term success is reliant on our commitment to fulfilling the needs of our society, our environment and our economy. Our record of delivering high quality buildings and infrastructure for over three decades is testimony to how we have translated our vision into action.
Yet the implementation challenges faced by a construction company continue to grow in both scope and scale, especially with respect to its negative impact on our earth’s resources. Minimizing our ecological footprint has been a continuous challenge, one that sometimes has seemed overwhelming: Yet our commitment to this goal has translated in several projects which have set international benchmarks in built environments. And since the end of last decade, we have embarked on a journey which has been inspired by a more structured approach to sustainable development, guided by the principles of several international initiatives and bound by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
Our sustainability framework continues to offer a heightened sense of direction and purpose to our ongoing affiliations with our environment, employees and communities. As the focus on nurturing these relationships has grown, it has also enhanced the positive impact of our end-products. Our goal is to achieve organizational and societal growth simultaneously, whilst minimizing our impact on the environment: that is to achieve organizational development in the course of providing high quality social infrastructure.
Our fundamental approach to sustainable development is the following:
1) Sustaining the quality of our products and services thus ensuring sound economic performance whilst reinforcing our economic responsibility to generate shared value for the society
2) Developing and sustaining of our worker community, the livewire of the organization
3) Enhancing compliance in the spheres of health & safety management, ethical conduct and environmental management
4) Creating sustainable built environments whist minimizing our impact on the environment through innovation
5) Strengthening our relationships with our stakeholders and local communities through close dialogue and community projects